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LIFE PRO VITAMIN E 400 ui 100 caps
LIFE PRO VITAMIN E 400 ui 100 caps

Life Pro Vitamin E 400 Ui 100 Caps

16.90 €
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Life Pro Vitamina E 400ui es un suplemento a base de vitamina E el cual contiene 400mg de esta vitamina por cada cápsula y es de la máxima pureza.

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Life Pro Vitamin E 400ui is an essential vitamin for the body that is related to multiple physiological functions of the body. 

Vitamin E is a type of fat-soluble vitamin, that is, it is stored in the fatty tissue and used by the body when it is required. Vitamin E has a multitude of functions and effects.

LIFE PRO Vitamin E 400 ui will protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E 400 is ideal for sportsmen and sportswomen because they have more free radical oxidation and their cells are exposed to greater risk.

Life Pro Vitamin E 400u will also help reduce cholesterol oxidation and help prevent the formation of blood clots, as well as help protect cell membranes from free radical attack.

Among its functions in the body we can highlight its anti-inflammatory properties, and that it acts as one of the most important antioxidants in the body. 

It strengthens the immune system and fights against free radicals and prevents diseases by protecting cells, as well as those related to the heart. It also contributes to the regeneration and maintenance of the skin.

The form in which Life Pro Vitamin E 400 ui contains vitamin is in D-alpha tocopherol. There are a total of 8 different forms of this vitamin. Currently, research has shown that it is the form with the best absorption and recognition by the body. It is usually present together with Omega 3 in those foods rich in fatty acids.


Life Pro Vitamin E 400 ui has been elaborated with one of the most recognized forms of vitamin E: Alpha Tocopherol. It is the form of prevalence before any other.

It has been combined with soybean oil, another of the main natural sources of vitamin E.

  • Vitamin E comes mainly from vegetable sources: fruits, nuts, vegetables and seed oils.
  • Being combined and diluted in the oil, it increases the bioavailability of this vitamin since one of its main characteristics is that it is fat-soluble. Soybean oil, apart from increasing the amount of vitamin E, improves and facilitates its absorption within the body.
  • It is a supplement that has been designed in high concentrations since each pearl provides 400 ui. This quantity covers the established reference values of consumption of this vitamin.
  • It has numerous functions within the organism, including: due to its antioxidant effect on polyunsaturated fatty acids, it acts as a protective factor for biological membranes. 

  • It also protects against cardiovascular diseases and is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system and boosts the immune system. 
  • It protects the gastric mucosa against free radicals, and boosts the reproductive system and is a skin protector.
  • As it is a fat-soluble vitamin, that is, it needs fats to be used, it easily enters the skin due to the lipid layers it naturally contains. We can benefit from its use in the skin both internally if we ingest the supplementation, and if we decide to apply vitamin E from the outside.


Of all the existing forms of this vitamin, the most important at a biological level and the one with the most beneficial effects is alpha tocopherol, the form in which we find this vitamin in Life Pro Vitamin E 400 ui.

It is a potent antioxidant in cells and is found in high concentrations in blood. As for its metabolism, it is found in its free state or in the form of esters such as alpha and ϒ-tocopherol.

Being a fat-soluble vitamin, its digestion takes place at the intestinal level. Vitamin E needs bile and pancreatic salts to be emulsified. 

It is then transported into the blood. During this period, it undergoes a series of degradations before reaching the liver, where it binds to a specific protein. 

To leave the liver, it needs VLDL to be transferred to HDL or LDL, since there are specific receptors for these lipoproteins in the tissues. 

Therefore, there is a correlation between cholesterol levels and vitamin E concentration. 


Antioxidant power.

The main characteristic and benefit of vitamin E is its antioxidant power, that is, it contributes to eliminate free radicals produced by multiple factors.

Free radicals can be produced naturally, for example, when we carry out intense physical activity or by external sources such as tobacco, environmental pollution, etc.

Vitamin E can help prevent or decrease oxidative stress and prevent cellular aging.

It helps prevent neurological diseases.

A vitamin E deficiency may be directly related to alterations of the nervous system. 

Because vitamin E can prevent cell damage caused by oxygen, it may help prevent cognitive decline. 

It may help prevent and aid memory loss in diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

Prevents cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin E decreases oxidative stress. Vitamin E plays a vital role in the production of red blood cells by protecting them from this damage and inflammation. These are two of the factors that cause cardiovascular disease. 

It also helps to expand blood vessels, which decreases the possibility of blood clots.

Improvement of premenstrual syndrome.

Taking vitamin E about two to three days before menstruation can help prevent and relieve menstrual cramps.

Premenstrual syndrome is a set of symptoms affecting a large number of women in the population, which includes physical and psychological symptoms that appear 7 to 15 days before the onset of menstruation.

It has also been demonstrated in some studies that it canreduce the appearance of cravings, as well as reduce the state of anxiety.

Improving the immune system.

Taking a vitamin E supplement that increases the total amount of vitamin E intake can help increase the levels of red blood cells that play a key role in the immune system to prevent disease and also contributes to the production of antibodies.

Improvement of fatty liver.

Due to the great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity it possesses, supplementation with vitamin E in adequate doses, prescribed by a professional, can help improve fatty liver.

This occurs because vitamin E contributes to reduce the accumulation of fats and the reduction of liver enzymes that are usually in high quantities.

On fertility in men.

Vitamin E can help fight infertility in men. This occurs because it improves sperm quality. 

Improved muscular endurance and strength

Vitamin E supplementation can help improve muscular endurance as well as increase strength levels. It can favor thanks to its antioxidant power to recovery after workouts, fighting oxidative stress and fighting against free radicals produced.


Among the beneficial effects that can be associated with vitamin E consumption is skin care and treatment. 

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce free radical damage and slow the aging process of cells, according to the National Institutes of Health.

It may be especially advisable in the spring and throughout the summer, it may be wise to have a vitamin E supplement at home, in order to meet the daily needs increased by sun exposure and prevent premature aging of the skin.

Numerous studies and our clinical practice support vitamin E treatment for skin disorders. Free radicals are formed as a result of normal body processes as well as intense physical activity. 

It is of vital importance so that the skin can be protected against UVB rays, pollution and other aggressive agents that produce skin-damaging free radicals.

In relation to skin care, vitamin E:

  • Interacts with vitamin A, regulating its levels, so it has positive effects in the prevention and treatment of acne and other skin disorders.
  • It has a powerful anti-aging effect on the skin. Useful for the treatment of skin affected by age spots.
  • It has positive effects for the treatment of scars, especially after surgery.
  • Very useful for the treatment of skin burned by the sun or other physical or chemical agents. Vitamin E supplementation is recommended for all those people who are exposed to the sun for long hours: sportsmen, workers, etc.
  • Useful for the treatment and prevention of stretch marks, caused by weight gain or loss that can damage the skin.
  • Vitamin E is also used as a treatment for various dermatological diseases such as eczema or yellow nail syndrome.
  • In the treatment of eczema, vitamin E has been shown in several studies to be beneficial in the treatment of certain eczema disorders, as well as dermatitis, in a natural way compared to other types of treatments.
  • In yellow nail syndrome: although the causes of yellow nail syndrome are not known, it is believed that it may be related to various growth disorders. The use of vitamin E in adequate amounts is very effective in reducing the symptoms, such as the reduction of the yellow color produced and the characteristic thickness.


The consumption of vitamin E in athletes can contribute to an improvement of performance and training due to the reduction or delay of fatigue, improvement of the immune system and trying to improve recoveries since it fights against free radicals thanks to its antioxidant power.

Several studies have shown that vitamin E can help reduce the level of lactate in blood and reduce the products and substances that are generated as waste when performing physical activity. It may help reduce stiffness.

It may be useful in reducing damage and promoting optimal recovery. In addition, a deficiency of vitamin E can produce anemia, which would involve a greater feeling of tiredness and therefore a decrease in performance.


Life Pro's Vitamin E 400 ui has been encapsulated with softgel technology. 

The shape and texture of Life Pro Vitamin E is flexible and soft. As a result, we obtain softgels that are easier to swallow, especially for people with difficulties, including the elderly and children. 

Softgel capsules are completely sealed, ensuring complete protection of sensitive ingredients from moisture and oxygen, maintaining better product stability. 

In addition, it prevents our palate from coming into contact with the taste of vitamin E, which may not always be pleasant.

They are easy to digest and do not cause stomach discomfort. They are ideal for water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble ingredients, as in the case of vitamin E.


Life Pro products aim to achieve 100% effectiveness with two non-negotiable conditions: safety for health and confidence for the most demanding consumers.

It has an adequate proportion and dosage that contributes to achieve all the benefits triggered by its properties.

Life Pro products, in this case Life Pro Vitamin E 400 ui, the production processes used to elaborate this supplement, are continuously adapted, adding all the technical novelties that arise. 

The ingredients, raw materials and technology used are thoroughly examined to certify that they are of the highest quality on the market, and the same is true of the manufacturing methods. Its capsules ensure that the properties are not damaged. 


Life Pro Vitamin E supplement is recommended for:

  • People who want to improve the condition of their skin.
  • Those who want to strengthen the immune system due to its antioxidant properties.
  • People who suffer from a deficiency of this vitamin.
  • People who want to improve and prevent diseases related to their cardiovascular system.
  • People who want to take care of their skin against the harmful rays of the sun.


To determine the exact dose that our body needs to maintain adequate levels of vitamin E, it must be calculated individually for each person, since the requirements are different from one person to another.

The general recommendations are as follows:

To maintain adequate levels of vitamin E in the body of a healthy adult the recommended intake is usually between 10 and 150 mg per day.

In children or newborns, it is recommended to establish the dosage with a pediatrician. It is usually between 10 and 50 mg of vitamin E.

In elderly or old people, it will depend on the pathology to be treated as well as the severity in case of deficit. To improve the immune system, the recommended dose is usually between 50 and 200 mg.


Yes, because it is a fat-soluble vitamin and is stored in fatty tissue. It is not eliminated through urine as can occur with water-soluble vitamins. As long as adequate doses are consumed, an excess or hypervitaminosis will not occur.


A vitamin E deficiency can have multiple symptoms and negative consequences. Although its deficit is not usually common in people with a favorable state of health, it can occur.

It is usually related to problems of absorption or digestion of nutrients. Being fat-soluble, if the digestion of fats is not carried out in a correct way, it can not be absorbed in a total or partial way. This can occur in people with Crohn's syndrome or cystic fibrosis.

The main consequence of vitamin E deficiency is ataxia. Ataxia is the lack of control at the muscular level and of the coordination of movements in a conscious manner. It causes uncoordinated hands, feet, legs, etc., which has a negative impact on daily activities such as walking and balance.

Other symptoms of vitamin E deficiency are:

  • The appearance of muscle weakness and strength.
  • Lack of or difficulty concentrating.
  • Appearance of problems related to the cardiovascular system.
  • Sterility in men.
  • The appearance of chronic fatigue.
  • Problems related to eyesight and increased occurrence of infections. It also has a negative impact on the process of natural wound healing and anti-inflammatory processes.
  • Worsening of the skin: less elasticity, appearance of spots and wrinkles, and a duller tone.


It is recommended to take 1 capsule of Vitamin E with a meal throughout the day. Do not exceed the recommended dose. In case of doubt, consult a specialist.

Nutritional facts


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